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     For the purpose of this discussion advertising and public relations may be defined by two words, 'exposure" and "motivation". These elements, gained through paid advertising or free publicity are necessary for the continued success of every promoter. It is yet another responsibility of the promoter to see his track gets the necessary exposure and to insure that this exposure enhances the image of the race track and motivates people to attend the show he is presenting.

     There are literally hundreds of ways a promoter can accomplish these tasks, which vary in their effectiveness. Some ways cost a great deal of money, some much less and some practically none. By the same token, the degree of effort required by the promoter to gain exposure and motivate people depends on the amount of his budget.

     Not all promoters have the same amount of money, time and energy to invest in their pursuits. For this reason promoters use various methods to gain exposure and motivate people in all areas of the country. Techniques employed by one promoter may not work for another since he may not have the same resources available to him. But the latter promoter may use techniques which would not be practical for use by others. Therefore, before beginning his efforts in the areas of advertising and public relations, a promoter should first determine the type of people and in what areas he wishes to work. He should then determine exactly how much money, time and energy he can devote to these pursuits. With these ideas in mind, he can then determine what types of media will most effectively serve his purposes.

     There are too many techniques by which race promoters can advertise and otherwise gain favorable publicity to discuss them all at this time. I will, however, attempt to mention just a few of them most frequently used. These methods will be classified into three groups depending on their monetary cost to the promoter.

     The first type of promotional media is the most expensive means of advertising. It requires the least amount of the promoter's actual time and trouble, but is probably the most effective. Included in this category are paid television, radio, theatre, newspaper and magazine advertising. Of course, the effectiveness depends on what station or in what section of printed material the advertising appears and the time and place it is presented. Advertising of this nature is prestigious and extremely effective for special events.

     There are a number of other methods used to gain publicity. Many are a great deal less expensive than those in the prior group. Most of these methods require the promoter to spend more time and energy in lieu of a greater cash outlay, to insure their success. Although these methods do not appear as dynamic or glamorous as those in the first group, they are still effective. These more time consuming methods include the use of bumper stickers; posters; billboards; contests arousing public interest (i.e. Miss Speedway); discount and free passes - space permitting - to schools, military personnel, civic and fraternal organizations; newsletters; awards and other banquets; a couple of bottles for the press ... the list is endless. And because these methods, when properly applied, are effective, they should and will continue to be used forever.

     A third type of publicity technique involves practically no cash outlay by the promoter. On the other hand, to be effective, they require the promoter to exert a great deal more time and effort to insure their success than the former methods. These require the promoter or his designee to do such things as arrange and present lectures to students, civic organizations, etc.; furnish all publicity outlets with race results, informative stories and photographs; participate in parades, charitable benefits and related functions; present additional innovative and interesting events, such as powder puff races, kiddy rides, Easter egg hunts, coordinated events with other promoters, etc.; obtain income producing sponsorships; involve other commercial, political or social interests and people with the track by arranging their participation in the program; etc. If the promoter is willing to spend the necessary time and energy, these techniques can become as effective or at least a valuable supplement to the more expensive types.

     You have probably noted the above groups do not include the use of the very finest advertising media available, satisfied spectators, entertainers and creditors. They do, however, contain enough information to show how any neat and articulate promoter can adequately fulfill his needs to gain exposure and motivate people while operating on just about any size or type of budget.

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